The image “^1” is a bootable CD-ROM device image and cannot be restored. including ALL partitions. using Macintosh Extended volume format. using Macintosh Standard volume format. “^0” will be usable as a startup volume only on PowerPC computers. “^1” is in Extended format, which is not supported on this system. Select another configuration. volume format. Extended Standard using Macintosh You must do an in-place restore in order to specify a directory as the target. The given target folder path cannot be created. The target must be a directory or volume, not a file. The target must be an alias to or a pathname of a target volume or directory The file “^1” could not be found in the Configurations folder Couldn't find the Configurations folder. The direct parameter must be an alias to a source volume or image file or a string name of an image file in the Configurations folder The volume “^1” contains more than 4GB of data. Select another configuration. The parameter “^0” is not a volume. This configuration will only restore onto: Note--This configuration is only intended for: Overlapping files on “^0” will be replaced by the corresponding files in “^1.” Cloning server volumes is not allowed. Select another configuration. This image has a missing or outdated checksum resource. Select another configuration. Invalid barcode. Please select another one. The copied items will be placed in a folder named “^2.” Please scan a barcode for one of the above configurations. The existing System Folder “^3” on “^0” will be renamed to “^2.” The existing System Folder “^3” on “^0” will be moved into the folder “^2.” The existing contents of “^0” will be moved to a folder named “^2.” The contents of “^0” will be erased before restoring Click the Restore button to restore everything but the system folder of “^1” onto “^0,” Click the Restore button to restore the system folder part of “^1” onto “^0,” Click the Restore button to restore the configuration “^1” onto “^0,” Please click Switch Disk/Switch Device to select another disk. You have not selected any parts of the configuration “^1” to restore. The configuration “^1” has no non-system folder parts to restore. The configuration “^1” has no system folder to restore. The configuration “^1” is too large to be installed onto “^0.” The disk “^0” is the configuration source disk and cannot be restored. The disk “^0” is a floppy and cannot be restored. The disk “^0” is locked. Eject it and then reinsert to restore it. The disk “^0” is locked and cannot be restored. The disk “^0” is an AppleShare volume and cannot be restored. The disk “^0” is the startup disk and cannot be restored. The disk “^0” is the restoration disk and cannot be restored. Please select a configuration to restore.